


Online real-time Inventory and records tracing system

Victor online inquery system provides you the latest inventory reports for your replenishment plan:

  • Timly E Mail prompt when shiping in/out
  • First In First Out (FIFO) Tracing
  • Inventory inquery
  • Historical shipping in/out records inquery
  • Customer management reports. To provides the statistics reports of your customers.
  • Online delivery progress tracking


Customized Plans

According to customer's special needs, a full package plan including man power, equipment and customized packing service can be provided.



Best Location

5 minutes away from the Linkou high way 2nd exit. 30 minutes accessable from Taipei and Taoyuan cities.




  • Fire Safety: Covered with multiple fire extinguishers and no flamable chamical materials accepted in Victor Logistics . Fire Saferty is guaranteed.。
  • Serveillance Camera Monitoring: Full time serveillance camera monitoring and recording remotely.
  • Security Guard: Security system is on 24 hours along with frequent patrol。


Best Integration

Victor Logistics one stop service includes the following services, customer can focus on the creating business:

  • Online real-time inflow and outflow management
  • Container Transportation
  • Container Stuffing/Unstuffing
  • Warehousing Management
  • Product Inspection
  • Goods Handling
  • Customized Packing
  • Distribution
  • Return of goods




Copyright ©. Victor Logistics Warehousing and DistributionTEL:03-3493106 FAX:03-3202454 ADDR: No.1066-2, Sec. 1, Zhongyi Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333, Taiwan (R.O.C.)